Notice (2005/10/22): The quiz has been deactived. Clemson is history now and the guys are scattered to the four winds.
You may puzzle over the pictures on your own but you won't find a "Submit"-button.
Here are some strange photos for the Applied Scientists at home. We'd like to send your greetings to Kim (first our first lady), Frank
(Gerdfurter), Frank (list<Eberlein>::const_iterator), Boetti.start (implements Runnable), Steffen (Black
Hellfrisch) and Thorsten (ln -s /Earth/Europe/Netherlands $HOME). Another HELLO! goes to the Digitalen Medien (I got no idea
what it is called in english. Probably digital media?) and Applied
Scientists in the second (soon the third!) semester. Of course all the people at the FH Zweibrücken and the professors and lecturers
as well as the families are allowed to participate.
We've taken a photo of every student's nose from Zweibrücken here in the U.S.A.. Now you can proove your
memory (if you've got one). Who's who? Even we also had problems to identify the noses!
To take part of this quiz the are two ways: an easy way and a difficult way.
The easy way is easy. You choose the name from the list below every photo of which you think it belongs to the photo above. If you're finished
click on the Send It!-button and the stuff's being sent to me. I'll send you your result and if you have scored high enough, you'll be
admitted to the highscore-table.
The difficult way is to send me an email which contains
your answers for every photo entered by hand (e.g. photo 1 = John Doe, photo 2 = Bill Gates, and so on).
On the SUNs in Clemson, you must enter as
the SMTP-Server for outgoing mails, otherwise Netscape will crash with a
BUS ERROR every time you hit the Send It!-button. On
the Windows NT-machines, Netscape runs fine. :-)